
Science Slam 2019 – Smart minds with a sense of humor

The time had come on November 7th. The most humorous engineers, scientists and a junior scientist showed what they are made of at Science Slam 2019. The event was organized jointly by ZAL and Hamburg Aviation. Like in the past, this year’s event enjoyed huge popularity – all 200 seats were booked. The order of the slams was determined at the start via a random draw. Each of the five slammers had 10 minutes to present their knowledge to the audience in a funny way. The exciting talks were supported by a charming moderator and involved the audience, who served as the jury at the same time.

The last slammer of the evening, Thomas Kruse-Strack from Airbus, was voted the winner of Science Slam 2019. With his highly entertaining pitch for CFRP adhesive repairing, which is suspiciously similar to the dating phases between men and women, he was able to convince the audience the most. His award: A lovingly compiled gourmand package and, of course, a roaring applause.

His competitors, who were just short of his points standing, took their ratings with humor and celebrated the evening just as much as the first-place winner at the get-together that followed. Against the backdrop of cozy lounge music, finger food, cocktails and drinks, the guests closed off the day in a pleasurable atmosphere.