About ZAL

Our Mission

We are the leading technological research and development platform for civil aviation. Together with our partners, ZAL works on the integration and industrialization of innovative aviation technologies. Together, we are making an important contribution to strengthening the world’s third-largest civil aviation site, true to the principle: Future. Created in Hamburg. 

The Hamburg Aviation cluster is the umbrella brand for our activities. Our activities are carried out in close cooperation with all partners at this aviation hub.

ZAL TechCenter

The fundamental idea of the ZAL TechCenter is to establish an international platform for aviation research under one roof. Since its opening in 2016, the research center provides around 600 workspaces distributed across hangars, laboratories and offices for partners from academia and industry. Modern research infrastructure coupled with various event formats for knowledge transfer and networking round off the TechCenter’s services.


The heart of the research center is the ZAL GmbH team of about 60 people. Its task is to create the ideal conditions for applied aviation research. This includes the operation of the ZAL TechCenter as well as the provision of research facilities or events. In addition, a dedicated Research & Technology team of 40 scientists and engineers work on research and innovation projects and support partners to develop technological solutions.


Nine different partners with a common vision

ZAL GmbH was founded as a public-private partnership by nine associates. These partners represent multiple aspects of the aerospace industry from politics, business and science.

  • 20% Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
  • 20% Airbus Operations GmbH
  • 20% Lufthansa Technik AG
  • 18% ZAL Association for SMEs, Supply Chain and Start-ups
  • 10% German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  •   3% Technical University Hamburg (TUHH)
  •   3% Hamburg University of Applied Science (HAW)
  •   3% Helmut Schmidt University (HSU)
  •   3% University of Hamburg

ZAL Support Association

The association represents the interests of its members on the ZAL Supervisory Board and the Shareholders’ Meeting. The association also initiates and coordinates the ZAL.award.


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