Protection and safety are mandatory – and since October 4, it has been official: ZAL has been honored with the award for exemplary health protection and occupational safety. The Hamburg Office for Occupational Safety formally handed over the certificate on December 2 to the CEO of ZAL GmbH, Roland Gerhards, as well as the Director of Property Management, André Kohlhoff.
The office took a close look behind the scenes. For the Hamburg Aufsichtskonzept ABS – Aufsicht, Beratung, Systemüberwachung (Hamburg Oversight Concept ABS – Oversight, Advisory, System monitoring), they examined occupational safety in Hamburg companies. The office’s representatives closely considered the work protection standards at ZAL GmbH. They inspected the TechCenter, the operational procedures, and the documentation, which all were seen to be at an exemplary level. But even more than that – they exceeded in the part the legal requirements.
The office not only set their expert sights on the engineers and laboratories at ZAL GmbH, but also the entire facility operations of the research center. As a result, the award covers all 26,000 square meters of space, 35 partners, and around 600 users of the building.
ZAL was one of four Hamburg companies to achieve the highest category (Group 1). This clearly proves that the safety of all the building’s users is a top priority for the company. “Safety is our duty,” says Roland Gerhards, “as innovations are only possible under the best conditions.”