ZAL.award 2024
Honoring Innovations from the ZAL Community

We look for the most outstanding research & innovation from the ZAL Ecosystem

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The ZAL.award

The ZAL.award is presented by the ZAL Association and given by an independent jury of recognized experts from the aviation community. The prize debuts in 2024 to recognize innovative projects and research conducted in the ZAL ecosystem. It promotes scientific exchange and supports the advancement of aviation technology.

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Who is behind the ZAL.award?

The ZAL.award is presented by the ZAL Association (ZAL Förderverein). The over 20 member companies are innovative partners in the development and industrialization of future aviation technologies, significantly contributing to strengthening the world’s third-largest location for civil aviation. The association actively supports the current strategy and orientation of ZAL. The ZAL Association bundles the interests of medium-sized and smaller companies within the shareholder structure of ZAL and offers them opportunities to influence decision-making processes on an equal footing with the major shareholders. They are pleased to present the award and are eager to see the exciting project submissions.

ZAL e.V. Board from left to right side: Sebastian Corth, Thorsten Reimetz, Jörg Manthey und Dr. Martin Spieck

ZAL Association Board from left to right side: Sebastian Corth, Thorsten Reimetz, Jörg Manthey und Dr. Martin Spieck.

Who may participate?

The ZAL.award recognizes a wide range of innovations in aviation, from comprehensive aircraft redesigns to small improvements that enhance the lives of passengers, crew, and aircraft developers. However, three criteria must be met. You can find detailed participation conditions here: ZAL Award Participation Conditions.  We encourage the submission of joint projects or consortia.

1. ZAL Tenants
All tenants (individuals, teams, or companies) of the ZAL TechCenter are eligible to participate in the ZAL.award.

2. Members of the ZAL Association
Your company or institution is a member of the ZAL Association, and the project is related to the research & technology environment of the ZAL TechCenter.

ZAL Innovation Days 2019 am 27.02.2019 im ZAL in Hamburg. Foto: Daniel Reinhardt/ZAL

3. Members of the ZAL Ecosystem
Your company or institution is a member of another network entitled to vote in the ZAL Association (voting network member).

What’s in for the winners?

The winner of the ZAL.award not only receives the ZAL.award trophy, but also the prestigious designation “Winner ZAL.award”, a seal that can be used in marketing and public relations. Furthermore, ZAL GmbH will produce a professional video about the winning project and provide it free of charge to use in social media and events, in collaboration with the winner. The winner will also be given the opportunity to present the concept on the main stage at ZAL Christmas Market in December 2024, where all of ZAL’s community and stakeholders will come together. The winning project will also be prominently featured on the monitors of the ZAL TechCenter and in the ZAL Magazine FUTURED.

Who is part of the ZAL.award jury?

The ZAL.award jury is comprised of highly acclaimed individuals, brought together from the ZAL Association network, academia, media, and aerospace supply chain.


Kathrin Haug
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

Vice President. Head of the Committee for Innovation and Research


Carsten Laufs
Diehl Aviation

Senior Vice President Product Innovation & Digitalization


Wolfgang Borgmann
AERO International

Aviation Journalist and Book Author

Heike Lagemann Bild Jury

Heike Lagemann
Alumni proTechnicale

Engineering Student at TUHH


Mario Vesco
Sustainable Aero Lab

Venture Manager

What is the timeline of the ZAL.award?

Here is a timeline with the important deadlines for the ZAL.award:

  • May 27 to October 21, 2024: Submission period – Call for entries
  • Judging Round
  • December 6, 2024: Announcement of winners (internally)
  • December 12, 2024: Public announcement of winners

How to submit – Here is what we‘ll need from you:

  • Short Description: A summary of the project in simple language with a maximum of 1000 characters.
  • Detailed Description: A more detailed presentation of the project (PDF format, 2-7 pages) which also lists all participating companies and institutions.
  • Please attach 1-2 images and graphics as separate attachments. Logos of the participating institutions should be attached in SVG/EPS format.
  • A primary contact person for the submission
  • Please submit all entries in English

Please submit your projects via email to .

ZAL.award Participation Conditions

You may enter the ZAL.award if your background is one of the following:

  • A member of the ZAL Association (ZAL Förderverein)
  • A member of another network entitled to vote in the ZAL Association (stimmberechtigtes Netzwerk-Mitglied; e.g.: Hanse-Aerospace, HECAS)
  • A tenant at ZAL TechCenter

We encourage the submission of joint projects or consortia.

By entering the ZAL.award, you confirm that:

  • The submission relates to a project that is either still running or has been completed no longer than two years ago (at the date of entering the ZAL.award)
  • You agree with the publication of the topic of your entry, as well as with photo and possibly video material about the entry
  • The person making the submission is not a member of the ZAL.award’s jury (submissions from companies and institutions with relations to the ZAL.award jury are allowed, but the jury member will have to abstain from rating the submission)
  • There is no other submission to the ZAL.award by the same company or institution in the same Award season

Ready to showcase your innovative project? Apply now for the ZAL.award!

Contact and Assistance

Do you have any questions or need assistance with ZAL.award? Our team is here to help. Feel free to contact us – we are happy to assist you!

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