
Science Slam 2022 a Great Success

At the Science Slam 2022, six slammers with a scientific background once again proved that research also has its share of humor.

Topics of the evening were: mobility of tomorrow, hydrogen, chaos and circular economy, green IT as well as space and greenhouses. Beforehand, the slammers received 2×4 hours of professional coaching to perfect their presentation skills.

In front of a large audience, Dennis Kiep from ZAL – Center for Applied Aeronautics Research finally took the victory with his presentation ” Liquid hydrogen – a pretty cool thing”.

The event was rounded off with networking, music, drinks and finger food.

The event was organized by ZAL in cooperation with Hamburg Aviation.

We are already looking forward to next year’s Science Slam 2023.


A Science Slam is a short scientific lecture tournament. Engineers and scientists present their research topics within 10 minutes. The slammers convey complex topics to their audience in a popular scientific and humorous way. The audience evaluates the presentation according to the following criteria: scientific result, comprehensibility and entertainment.


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